Voices of Colours

This year Encounters breaks new ground by bringing together poets and visual artist for close artistic interactions. Poets have given voice to the exhibited canvases creating a plastic dialogue that enables visitors to explore synergies in a multi-sensory experience.


Encounters 2024 Exhibition explores interactions between Visual Art and Poetry. Two art media have collided during diverse artistic encounters to produce Voices of Colours. Poets were inspired by the exhibited canvases. They create a plastic dialogue that enables visitors to explore synergies in a multi-sensory experience.

The experience evokes Vassily Kandinsky’s statement in Concerning the Spiritual in Art (1911) that “colour is a power which directly influences the soul”. In this exhibition poetry acts playfully or deeply in counterpoint, as words enhance visual expression and become a symphony of vibrations that resonates deep in our being.

Visitors have an opportunity to be both viewer and listener and to visit intersections between a sight and sound experience. Canvases may speak with a dazzle of colours whereas others convey the artist’s insight.

Edgar Sanchez’s paintings radiate luminosity. Francisco Itriago’s palette evokes latent voices of his past and present. Philomena Harmsworth’s striking colours capture insights from her meditations on change with echoes of life affirming wishes.

Time becomes irrelevant if you gaze on the muted tones used by Maria Eugenia Arria for her Serie Umbrales-Luces. Hannah Davies’ canvases become dreamlike reflections of memories shaping hazy impressions. The stark presence of black ink in Simon Page’s drawings captures emotional reactions to existential challenges. Jonidel Mendoza’s shadowy figures are immaterial yet strangely permanent. Paula Fahy creates a feeling of movement that reflects the vitality of the world.

Voices of Colours is dedicated to show how faithful, honest artistic creations are richly enhanced when fused with the poetic realm.

Miladys Parejo, Curator


  • Under the Tree of Knowledge

    by Simon Page

    Poem by Peter Charles Jackson
    "Forbidden Fruit To eat or not to eat? That's the question ..."

     by Simon Page
  • The Glowing Light Patch

    by Hannah Davies

    Poem by Bob Spencer
    "I am not beautiful, Except in my mystery, And my challenge To interpretation.… "

    by Hannah Davies
  • Agapanthus

    by Paula Fahy

    Poem by Miguel Génova

     by Paula Fahy
  • Luz Naranja Verde

    by María Eugenia Arria

    'Past Colour' Poem by Peter Wellby
    Ripe wheat in Brueghel's "Summer" ...

    by María Eugenia Arria
  • Jelila

    by Philomena Harmsworth

    Poem: Jelila by Diana Hills
    Come, come to my magic lake…

     by Philomena Harmsworth
  • El Camino de los Grandes Arboles

    by Edgar Sanchez

    Poem 'Evocation' by Keith Willson
    One day you won't be satisfied
    with just looking ...

     by Edgar Sanchez
  • Untitled

    by Jonidel Mendoza

    Poem by Miguel Génova
    Miradas inquietantes detras de la cortina gris.…

    by Jonidel Mendoza