“Vertical Landscapes”

Prize winning photographer, Ricardo Jimenez, exhibited in the first Encounters Edition in 2010. In our 2018 Show we will have the honour to launch his limited edition (20) photo-book entitled Vertical Landscapes.  You will enjoy Ricardo’s short film showing him talking about his book presented by Dave Francis. Please come a few minutes early. Spaces are […]

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Developing New Artists – Children’s Workshops with Deyanira

Art Workshops for Children This May Deyanira Ortega will lead fun and inspiring art workshops for children, Developing New Artists in Encounters Open House. Places are limited, so book early by email to deyor69@hotmail.com Workshops will be held on: 13th, 26th and 27th May Time: 2pm (for about an hour) Cost including materials:  £6 (both sessions) The […]

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Sculptures by award-winning artist, Rafael Barrios,

At 9am on Friday the 27th April four crates arrived with Rafael Barrios’ new sculptures. Rafael created these works especially for Encounters 2018 Edition. Over the next few days the crates will be unpacked and made ready for the opening day of this year’s Open House Festval.

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Luke MacGregor, Award-Winning Photographer, gave an inspiring talk

On Saturday 12th May, journalist Khush Sachdave interviewed Luke in front of an audience of visitors to Encounters about his experience as a press photographer on Fleet Street. Luke answered questions on press photography, the news industry and on his exhibited work at Encounters this year. He discussed issues like ‘is press photography is it art or […]

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Judge’s review of Encounters 2017 Edition

Each year, the Open Houses are voted for visitors and the best of these are visited by impartial judges. Last year, Encounters was one of the top three and the judge’s comments were:   Credit: The Best Artists Open House Award, sponsored by The Latest/Latest TV

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Let the people decide

In July Venezuelan’s all over the World participated in a vote as to whether there a new Constitutional Assembly should be formed with the power to change the constitution. Encounters Art Space hosted the Brighton Voting Station. Almost 400 people came to register their vote. All photographs by Morella Velazquez.        

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We were one of the top three houses in 2017

Encounters was one of the runner-up houses in 2017. The winner was Montefiore Open House who exhibited a diverse range of work in a variety of media, to include painting, printing, textiles, photography, sculpture, mosaics, ceramics and knitted work. All the work in the exhibition was made by artists with learning disabilities and/or mental health needs. […]

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