Yole Quintero introduces her book “40 Months” in Encounters’ garden

On Sunday the 21st May Miladys Parejo, Director of Encounters, introduced Yole Quintero to an audience in Encounters’ Garden. She discussed her work in conversation with Gerry Hussein of the Best of Brighton & Hove. Yole is a Venezuelan photographer currently living in London. For 40o months she was away from home but kept in contact through social […]

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Annemette Bech shares her artistic experience

Annemette Beck is one of Denmark’s most successful and progressive artists. Working with textiles and a team of highly skilled weavers extraordinary works are produced. Around the World leading Hotels and retailers feature these products that are both elegant and inventive.        

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Cities of Substance and Memories: Photo Montage by Bea Eggli

When we visit a city we absorb many impressions. These are a kind of food. They create new thoughts and feelings, especially as our own memories and those countless others interfuse with the solid forms of an urban landscape. Bea explains her intricate, multi-layed and hauntingly beautiful work in a video made in Encounters Art Space […]

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Digital landscapes by Elizabeth Cemborain

  There is no doubt that communicating in a digital world opens the way for completely new forms of expression. The exciting and creative mind of Elizabeth Cemborain sees dramatic possibilities for digital expression and her recent work with digital landscapes, on show in Encounters Art Space, takes the medium to new places. She explains her work (in 4 […]

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Garcia Garcia’s Encounters with Kinetic Art

Garcia Garcia is one of Encounters’ 2017 artists who cannot be with us for the whole month of May. To help visitors he made a video to explain is work. Watch the new video at:   Venezuela is one of the World’s centres of Kinetic Art and Carlos Garcia Garcia presented five new works in […]

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Rafael Reveron explains his Hindenburg sculpture in new video

One of the Venezuelan artists showing work during the 2017 edition of Encounters Art Space is Rafael Reveron. In a specially made film he shows his remarkable sculpture made after studying the Hindenburg disaster, when the German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed when it attempted to land in the USA. Rafael Reveron’s degree […]

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